Purchasing a Membership remains by far the best and most affordable way to support the Newcastle Jets.
Even if Members can only attend half of the Newcastle Jets home matches this season, buying a Membership is still more affordable than purchasing individual tickets to each match.
Jets Members can secure the best seats in the house with an adult Gold Membership valued at $260 that is $20 per match. For an equivalent single- match day ticket the value is $36, that’s a saving of $208.
Jets Members can secure a reserved seat at all 13 home matches with an Adult Community Reserved Membership valued at $135, that is $10.38 per match. For an equivalent single-match day ticket the value is $27.
All Members also receive the Member Kit including an exclusive 10 Year Anniversary Member Scarf, Membership Card, Lanyard, Sticker and Zip lock bag.
CLICK HERE to browse the Newcastle Jets’ 2014/15 Membership packages.
The Newcastle Jets also have a 3-Game Membership available for those who still want to be a Member but can only make it to a few games. The cost is $55 for an adult, $20 for a junior and $130 for a family of two adults and two juniors.
To become a Newcastle Jets Member, join online at www.membership.newcastllejets.com.au or call the Membership Team on 02 4979 7611.