There is only one week remaining to register for the Newcastle Jets’ Aurizon Junior Holiday Clinic.
There is only one week remaining to register for the Newcastle Jets’ Aurizon Junior Holiday Clinic.
The Clinic will be held on Thursday October 3 at Hunter Stadium for both Jets Members and non-members aged between five and 16 years of age.
The clinic will provide a chance for the Club-s youngest fans to learn how to kick, pass and run like their favourite Newcastle Jets players.
They will have the chance to interact with the Jets squad and take part in fun skills and games on field at Hunter Stadium.
Members attend FREE whilst non-members can attend for $60 that is inclusive of the Jets- 2013 Community General Admission Junior Membership.
The Junior Membership includes General Admission access to 14 huge home games, Member Pack with a key ring, sticker, magnetic fixture and exclusive Jets Member Cap.
Registrations are from 1.30pm in the Western Concourse with the Clinic commencing at 2.30pm and concluding at 4pm.
All participants must be pre registered. To register, CLICK HERE and log in with the Junior-s details if they are an existing Member. If they are a new Member please fill out the ONLINE FORM with the Junior-s details.
Registrations will close at 5pm on Wednesday, September 25 and places are limited.
The Member Season Launch will also follow the Jets Aurizon Junior Holiday Clinic at Hunter Stadium from 4.30pm, which is free and exclusive to all Members.
For further information please contact the Membership Team on 02 4979 7611.