The Newcastle Jets Member Sub-Committee held its first meeting on Monday, December 1.
DATE: Monday, 1 December 2014
TIME: 6.00 pm
VENUE: Newcastle Jets Head Office
Brooke Cousins (BC) Consumer Operations & Marketing Manager (Newcastle Jets)
Stacey Woollams (SW) Membership Executive (Newcastle Jets)
Club Rep
Mark Duffield-Thomas (MDT) Commercial Director (Newcastle Jets)
Robbie Middleby (RM) CEO (Newcastle Jets)
Gavin Austin (GA)
Roy Duffy (RD)
Maria Griffiths (MG)
Andrew Carr (AC)
David Keating (DK)
Liam Braid (LB)
Grant Furner (GF)
APOLOGIES: Samantha Nyman (SN)
NOTES: • SC = Sub-committee
Issue or Topic:
Methods of contacting and communicating with sub-committee
Members and methods of Members to contact sub-committee Members
Points of Discussion:
BC stated that the Club has set up a Facebook Event within the Newcastle Jets’ Facebook page named the Newcastle Jets Member sub-committee. This page is open to all Newcastle Jets Members to discuss agenda items, raise agenda items and contact Members from the sub-committee. Members can also send Tweets to the Club’s Membership Twitter Account @JetsSupport to submit or comment on Member sub-committee topics.
SC asked sub-committee Members emails to be circulated to other Members of the sub-committee.
SC also asked for a dedicated space on the Club website to be set up for the Members sub-committee items to be published.
Action Required:
The Club will distribute details of Members of the sub-committee internally.
The Club will set up a dedicated space on the Member Portal ( within the Member Zone tab where all items relating to the Members sub-committee will be published.
Issue or Topic:
Timing for agenda items and formulation and notification of the agenda to sub-committee Members
Points of Discussion:
BC stated that moving forward, agenda items will be required to be submitted no later than 7 days out from next planned sub-committee meeting and that the agenda will be sent out to sub-committee Members no later than 5 days prior to a meeting.
Action Required:
Club to distribute agenda to sub-committee Members within a timely manner.
Issue or Topic:
What are the Club’s core values? How are these core values communicated and built into the way we work?
Points of Discussion:
MDT summarised Club values as the following:
– Hard Work
– Respect
– Community
– Commitment
– Success
– Youth Development
MDT mentioned that these values are central to the type of people we want within the organisation, the type of football the Club aims to play and the type of players we want to develop.
MDT also mentioned that these values form part of the Club Identity that may change subject to a change of ownership.
SC suggested publishing these values on the Newcastle Jets website
Action Required:
Club to publish values on the Newcastle Jets website
Issue or Topic:
Increasing communication to Members about major decisions
Points of Discussion:
BC suggested that the one of the objectives for setting up the Member sub-committee is to provide a platform to consult with members on important issues and to capture member feedback and that the Club will endeavour to engage with members as much as possible in the future.
The Club will also look to run more fan-forums in the future similar to the Active Support Forum ran last year.
SC agreed.
Action Required:
Issue or Topic:
Increasing general Club support and attendances – Members and casual ticket purchases on match day/ Involving and interacting more with Members on match day and engaging for half time entertainment, pre-match and post match
Points of Discussion:
SC raised:
• Implementing a Member loyalty scheme to increase higher
Member attendance
• Working with schools and teachers and getting players into schools more to get the younger generation interested in football and starting to attend games from an early age
• Having players (non-playing) out the front of the stadium interacting with Members upon entry
• The possibility of being able to run onto the field after the match
• Having a half time kicking competition with a youth player in the goals
• Having more fun and interactive things outside the stadium before the game
• Having junior mascots/Members announcing the player names
Action Required:
The Club agreed that within the constraints of FFA and FIFA match guidelines and timings and with consideration of the budget available they will look to implement as many of these ideas and possible. The Club will explore implementing these further and advise of a course of action at the next meeting.
Issue or Topic:
Further interaction for general Members to interact with Squadron on match days and ways for general Members to help grow the Squadron and increase general support and atmosphere
Points of Discussion:
Club explained the current initiatives that are in place to allow members to interact with and experience the Squadron:
• Active Support Forum held last year
• Active Support Page on Club Website
• Members have opportunity to exchange their ticket for a ticket in
• Bay 60 for one off matches
SC raised:
• Having set chants that people are aware of, for example when the Jets score
• Having chants on the big screen
• Having the ground announcer to encourage people to make noise
• Having the short version of NTUA played after the players hand shake and to not have the ground announcer talk during the song
• Letting Squadron lead chanting while the team walks out
• Getting fans involved in the team announcement
• Creating fan clapper banners to be used in conjunction with some squadron chants and clapping during NTUA
Action Required:
The Club and Squadron has taken all these suggestions on board and is looking into implementing them on game days. Update to be provided at the next meeting.
Issue or Topic:
Make the stadium more ‘Newcastle’ and football themed, include reminders of on field and off field performance
Points of Discussion:
SC raised:
• Having the Jets logos around the stadium more
• Include the Knights in helping to make the stadium more
Newcastle themed
• Have big poster of the players around the stadium
• Have a team poster put up in the stadium
MDT mentioned that these are good suggestions and will depend on available budget and can be reviewed after the Asian Cup and ahead of the 2015/16 season.
Action Required:
The Club is to discuss with Hunter Stadium in regards to implementing some of these suggestions where possible.
Issue or Topic:
Sync Youth League/ W- league matches
Points of Discussion:
MDT led discussions by advising some of the logistics in regards to having these matches on the same day including the time required for warm-ups, costs of opening the stadium for longer and also the logistics of having males and females in the changing room areas.
SC suggested having the youth/ w league play at Broadmeadow Magic before a Jets home game to encourage people to watch these games and then walk over to Hunter Stadium.
Action Required:
The Club is going to look into how we can possibly implement this for next season.
Issue or Topic:
Acknowledge/celebrate the history of the Club through entertainment of match days, for example, celebrating the emerald and cinnamon of the Newcastle flag
Points of Discussion:
SC raised:
• Making people aware of where the green and brown colours come from – 35th Battalion- these are our town and council colours, chosen after World War 1
• Having a little bit of history shown on the big screen
• Look at getting photos from council
Action Required:
The Club is doing some further research about this and will work onmaking the history known with further assistance from the Members sub-committee. Club is working on plans to mark the Club’s 10 year anniversary.
Issue or Topic:
Timing of NTUA and use of PA system prior to kick off- use of NTUA on club/ sponsor collateral, everyone standing
Points of Discussion:
SC raised:
• Having the short version of NTUA played, have it played as players are doing the hand shake and not have the ground announcer during the song, all Members to be up and standing with their scarfs during NTUA. Allow the crowd to make noise in lead up and during the walk out – no music to be played.
Action Required:
The Club recognises this is an area that requires improvement and is working to make changes this starting from the Round 9 fixture v Wellington Phoenix. It will take a few matches to finalise the best pre-match routine and all fans are encouraged to get involved in the NTUA song.