Gary van Egmond is hoping he will not have to make too many changes when he makes his squad announcement on Wednesday.
After an impressive 3-1 win over Melbourne Victory, coach Gary van Egmond is hoping he will not have to make too many changes when he makes his squad announcement on Wednesday.
The team trained at Ray Watt Oval today and continue to prepare for the always enjoyable derby clash against the Central Coast Mariners on Saturday night.
“The team is starting to find rhythm and you don-t want to go changing that too much because rhythm helps you gain momentum and that is what wins you games,“ van Egmond said.
“That being said we had a few players that did not train today and we will know more as we get closer to game day.”
Jobe Wheelhouse and Ruben Zadkovich were missing from today-s session after both players came away from last weekend-s game with niggling injuries.
“Jobe has a bit of a problem with his lower back and has pulled up a little bit sore and Ruben felt his ankle during the second half so we are taking precautions with those two players at training today,” he explained.
With two very strong contenders fighting for a starting spot in goals, van Egmond is leaving the decision up to interim goal keeping coach Bob Catlin who will have to make a difficult choice between Ben Kennedy and Matthew Nash.
“This is Bob-s area of expertise and I will talk to him and see what he recommends,” the coach explained.
Stay tuned to the Jets website on Wednesday to find out who van Egmond includes in his week 10 squad.