
Jets Membership Continues to Climb


The end of last week saw the Newcastle Jets Membership Team swamped with last minute renewals from Members retaining their seats before the Club’s August 5 deadline.

The end of last week saw the Newcastle Jets Membership Team swamped with last minute renewals from Members retaining their seats before the Club-s August 5 deadline.

Over 800 Members renewed or joined last week and sent the total Jets Membership over 6,000. At last count, 6,432 Members have made the commitment for the 2011/12 season.

There are now only 8 weeks for the Club to reach the 10,000 Member target – with the A-League competition kicking off on 8 October.

Jet’s Membership Packages are without doubt the best valued of any football code in Australia, and include entry to all 13 home games, great inclusions and with an option to pay with a 10-month payment plan. Prices for a reserved seat start at the incredible prices of $115 (Adult), $90 (Concession) and $60 (Junior). Family packages start from $240!

Members and supporters can track our 2011/12 Membership growth by visiting www.newcastlejets.com.au and viewing our Member barometer. The barometer is updated daily between Monday and Friday.