


Newcastle Jets Membership for the Hyundai A-League 2015/16 season is now on sale!

Read about our new and improved benefits for Members here, and make sure you check out Scott Miller’s message calling for Jets Members and fans to join the club’s crusade!

Renewing Members:
Renewal packs will be lodged with Australia Post at the end of this week and Members will receive their renewal packs in the mail early next week.

Renewing Members wishing to renew their current seats for the 2015/16 season will be required to renew their Membership prior to 5:00pm on Friday 7 August. After this date all seats that are not renewed will be released and sold to existing and new Members.

Renewing Members wishing to change seat(s) can select new seats at the time of renewing their Membership via the Interactive Seat Map in your MyJETS Account. If the seat(s) that you would like to purchase are unavailable, please fill out a seating request/change form here. Once the same seat renewal deadline has passed, those who filled out the seating request form will be allocated seats and notified in late August.

Renewing Members wishing to renew at the current price must renew by Wednesday 12 August 2015. Prices will increase on Thursday 13 August 2015.

New Members:
To join as a new Member, browse our Membership packages

New Members wishing to choose their seat(s) can select new seats at the time of purchasing their Membership via the Interactive Seat Map in your MyJETS Account. If the seat(s) that you would like to purchase are unavailable, please fill out a seating request/change form here. Once the same seat renewal deadline has passed, those who filled out the seating request form will be allocated seats and notified in late August.

If you are planning to purchase your Membership over the phone (02 4088 8004), please be patient as this is a busy period for Membership Services.

We look forward to having you on board as one of our 10,000 2015/16 Newcastle Jets Members!