To all our Members and fans,
As you’ll all be aware, yesterday the FFA made the difficult but necessary decision to postpone the Hyundai A-League effective immediately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
FFA will continue to monitor the situation and will re-assess on April 22.
We’ve found our way through many a storm with the undying support of our Members, our fans, and our sponsors.
This storm, however, is one that we’ve never faced before. As football fans, and Jets fans, we have ridden good times and bad times, but none quite like this.
These will be tough times. We face many challenges as a society, as football fans, and as a Club.
Our players and our coaching staff are devastated that we won’t be able to continue our push for finals football, but we know that in the interest of their health, and the health of the wider public, that it was a decision that had to be made.
Our office staff, all working from home in order to socially isolate themselves as much as possible, are navigating unprecedented times across our departments such as Membership, Sponsorship, and Community – to name but three.
And you. Our Members. We, as a Club, cannot thank you enough for your support during this time. All of the emails, the phone calls, and the messages on social media pledging your support.
We will keep you updated throughout this entire process, as we work on solutions and we ask only for your patience and your understanding.
Also, we’d like to thank our major partners and sponsors. Greater Bank, Inspirations Paint, McDonald’s, Viva, University of Newcastle, City of Newcastle, and countless others. You’ve stood by us through good times and bad, and we thank you.
Hopefully, the football and your Newcastle Jets will be back sooner rather than later.
And we’ll pick up where we left off – in the winners circle.
Stay safe, stay home, wash your hands, and look after yourself and your loved ones.
Yours in football,
Lawrie McKinna.